Those who know Justin Anthony Franca (27) closely understand the path of self-effort and determination he has taken to become a professional electrician and, alongside that, establish his own business bearing his name: Justin’s Electrical & Services VBA. From a young age, he knew this was the path he wanted to take. His efforts have paid off, and today he shares his story to inspire others with the dream of becoming their own ‘boss’ one day.

“I am a calm person who loves the sea, adventure, boating, and fishing. I spend a lot of time on the boat, traveling, and enjoying life at sea,” Justin begins to describe himself. However, his hunger to achieve his professional goals is another factor that could be used to describe him. His education began at EPB Hato, where his studies for the profession of electrician and maintenance worker started. “During my studies, I spent 4 years studying at the maintenance level and graduated as the best student at EPB Labor Market Level in 2014. I continued with EPB Exit Level, where I spent 3 more years studying to become an electrician. I graduated in 2017, again as the top of my class. Then, I advanced to EPB Transition Level and dedicated another year to complete my training as an electrician in 2018.” An achievement that took time but has now borne its fruit.

At just 19 years old, Justin started his work experience as an electrician. “During my time at school, I sought a challenge for myself: to start working at a company that accepts students to work 3 to 4 hours a day. This gave me a good idea of what I would encounter in the world of electricity, such as working mostly in the sun with different machines, learning to read maps, and how to install wiring in a house. What can and cannot be done according to global electrical regulations. The hardest part was dealing with machinery inside walls for the installation of boxes and tubes. What I enjoy the most is troubleshooting (finding electrical problems). It is tough work, but in the end, I liked it because it is a vast world. It’s up to you which direction you want to take.”

Arelys Perez

Ashland Gario

Quinten Kock

Sidney Kock

Looking back, Justin realizes that the path to establishing his own business started when he was very young. From the moment he realized he wanted to become an electrician, every step he took was to reach his current business. “I started saving to buy my own tools and necessary machines, which are important to have in the world of electricity. Gradually, I began to get bigger jobs, and my clientele started to grow, from family to friends, and eventually, companies. With all this experience, I discovered my potential."

“I worked for 4 years on my own, and when it came to doing bigger projects for companies, I chose to register myself at the KVK and start my own sole proprietorship. I worked from 2020 to 2023 as a sole proprietor, and in 2023, I changed my company into a VBA, and that’s how Justin’s Electrical & Services was born. My father, a person with a business mind, motivated and helped me start Justin’s Electrical. From there, I began hiring employees, and within a year, my company grew by 5 more employees, and little by little, I managed to reach my goals to complete my fleet as well.”

“My wishes for what I want to achieve in 5 years are to have more employees to be able to offer more services. I hope to reach our own building as an office and wish to continue providing the same good service to our clients.”