In the heart of Oranjestad, Caya Grandi, a visionary project is poised to begin transforming this historic area celebrating its 200th anniversary, reviving the way of life that was once very normal – residential living. Led by Taryn Caralps-Faro and her family, together with dedicated investors, the condominium project called "Single One" aims to redefine urban living in Aruba. This ambitious effort not only represents the first modern apartments in Caya Grandi but also hopes to rejuvenate the cultural and social foundation of Oranjestad, making us all in 2024 witnesses to the beginning of Oranjestad’s transformation before our eyes.

"Single One" is the first residential project in Caya Grandi with 30 apartments, private parking, a restaurant, a pool, and a meticulously designed gym in a modern and inviting layout. Located at Caya Bettico Croes 74, the main goal of this project goes far beyond just selling apartments. Taryn explains, "Our goal is to change the perception that the local community has of Caya Grandi/Oranjestad."

"In 2019, we started living in Oranjestad and got to know the city center more deeply, falling in love with its quality of life, tranquility, and the convenience of having everything close by, including the sea." The effort behind Single One began during the pandemic, known as the hardest time for the world for our generation as well. Aruba experienced the impact intensely as a small island relying heavily on tourism concentrated in one area. But as often happens, in difficult moments, the survival instinct dominates, and new ideas and inspirations are born. "During COVID (2020), with plenty of time to think, share, and exchange ideas, we decided as a family to invest and thus humbly contribute to creating a new concept for Oranjestad."

Born and raised in Aruba , Taryn and her family made their home in Aruba. Taryn herself, in her youth, experienced Caya Grandi and, like many other Aruban residents, has many beautiful memories of it. Antonio, on his part, has already spent over 20 years in Aruba and has lived through the glory days of Oranjestad as well. With all these mutual feelings, the motivation to help transform the area and abandoned buildings into new living spaces and even create housing from them adds to the benefits of a new life for Caya Grandi. "We named this project 'ORANJESTAD 5.'"

The idea behind "Oranjestad 5" is based on a new lifestyle concept where all daily needs are within a maximum of 5 minutes walking distance (pharmacy, bakery, supermarket, barber, family doctor, etc.). This concept is inspired by the "15-Minute City" by Professor Carlos Moreno, which promotes the process of humanizing cities around the world. After a phone call with Moreno, we understood that a slower lifestyle, with more social interaction, access to entertainment and cultural activities, and less reliance on cars, results in a longer and better quality of life. Our goal with "Oranjestad 5" our goal is to help bring life back to Oranjestad and to show the community of Aruba that there is a healthier and more harmonious way to live. We are at a unique moment, celebrating 200 years of Oranjestad with the support of the government, private sector, ATA, and various ministries, helping to create a model city – a city to LIVE in, a better city for everyone.

Solution for Housing Shortage: Providing more living space addresses the urgent issue of housing scarcity.

Protecting Nature: Focusing on urban development helps preserve new natural areas.

Revitalizing the City Center: New residents will bring life and activity back to the center.

Improving Safety: A populated center is a safer center.

Preserving Cultural Heritage: Maintaining and revitalizing historic buildings preserves the island's heritage.

Promoting Community Spirit: Creating a vibrant living environment stimulates a strong sense of community and unity.

Taryn and her family are deeply invested in the project and feel the enthusiasm within the community as well. Taryn herself is in charge of the administrative and sales part while her children are involved in marketing, bringing this vision to the younger generations who will continue to build Aruba in the future. "We firmly believe that the project will inspire both locals and tourists to see Oranjestad as an even more desirable place to live." As the famous English saying goes, 'If you build it, they will come,' the group behind Single One Condominium imagines that during and/or once this project is realized, developers and entrepreneurs will follow this vision, investing not only in housing but also in services and entertainment to complete the vision even further. The goal is to reach a city center full of life, vibrant, filled with restaurants, cafes, and cultural activities, attracting people of all ages. "We want Oranjestad / Caya Grandi to become the heart of Aruba once again."

For Taryn and her family, the Single One Condominium project and Oranjestad 5, along with other projects in the pipeline, hold deep significance. "The fact that we can contribute to the revitalization of the most important area of Aruba, with so much history and memories, fills us with great pride and satisfaction. The desire to see our local community return to Oranjestad, feel the urge to live in Oranjestad, recover historic buildings, and just for all of us in Aruba to feel proud of our city center."

Taryn describes the experience of living in the "Single One Condominium" project in Caya Grandi as something unparalleled. "Just imagine the quality of life you will have access to and what other areas cannot offer. Walking freely, social interaction, and the lack of need for a car for the simplest things are just some of the benefits," she emphasizes. "For us, this is quality of life."

"Single One" is designed to be an inspiration for other revitalization efforts around Aruba. Taryn hopes that by showing the potential of Oranjestad as a wonderful place to live, others will be motivated to create more projects as well.

To those who might have doubts about investing in Caya Grandi: "Aruba has over-developed the northern part, which can no longer grow. The natural place for development is Oranjestad, offering what other areas of Aruba cannot – culture, gastronomy, history, soul, local identity, and more."

In the next ten years, Taryn imagines Oranjestad and Caya Grandi as vibrant, lively areas, reminiscent of the glory days of the past but transformed into a modern city center. "We want Oranjestad to become the city that everyone wants to visit, both locals and tourists, and a source of pride for all of us."