August 2024 marks the celebration of Oranjestad, the center and heart of Aruba, celebrating its 200 years. In the past, Oranjestad was the hub of commercial and cultural activity. Over the years, Oranjestad has seen significant changes in development, both positive and negative.

Marksonn Maduro stands among the positive changes, demonstrating his commitment to contributing to the growth of downtown Oranjestad. He is known for his dynamic hashtag #BanBekPlaya, with a vision to create attractive concepts to bring life back to the city's center.

“I am an energetic, extroverted, passionate, and determined person, always striving to create high-quality concepts.” This drive, according to Marksonn, comes from his ancestors, all of whom were entrepreneurs, a trait that Marksonn believes is in his DNA. Inspired by his humble beginnings, he has developed a lasting vision and is more committed than ever to continue doing business in Oranjestad.

From a young age, Marksonn showed an entrepreneurial spirit. “I remember picking seashells at Eagle Beach with my mother, then painting them and selling them. This perhaps sparked the early entrepreneurial spirit in me, where I was already trying to offer a unique experience to my customers.”


In 2011, while living in Miami, Marksonn saw that downtown Oranjestad, like many other city centers worldwide, was struggling. “I noticed that Oranjestad, known as Playa, was losing its appeal. My vision was different, especially when everyone was starting to call for investments in areas considered 'dead' or senseless,” he says. Seeing that many tourist areas can be overly commercialized and filled with challenges for a first-time entrepreneur, Marksonn saw Playa as the perfect setting for him. “I saw an opportunity in the bad and took the chance to create something unique.” This led to the birth of his first project, HOYA, in 2019. A hip, al fresco bar offering unique cocktails like those found in a hotel, with the latest music trends and frequent events. A lively spot in the city center.

Starting a business doesn't come without challenges. For Marksonn, the biggest challenge was starting Hoya in 2019 with all the excitement in the world, not knowing he was precisely starting before the world would face the uncertainty of a pandemic due to COVID-19. “It was a crucial time for me to start my business, but the pandemic was the worst scenario I could have ever imagined.” Besides that, he had to deal with other issues like police, parking, and the fear of coming to Playa. These were just what Marksonn and his team had to face every day. However, he believes that creativity always finds a way. I am a firm believer that if you do something good, the good will follow you. Don’t rush things. Invest in your people and believe in training, and the rewards will come on their own.”

Despite the challenges, Hoya became a success. “Hoya speaks for itself; it is a jewel of Oranjestad,” he says proudly. Following Hoya’s success, he opened Apotek, which elevated the cocktail standards in Aruba, and now Medusa, another unique concept that didn’t exist before. The most gratifying part is the community's response, which has been overwhelmingly positive to Marksonn’s efforts and events he organizes. “When I organize an event, it has to be top-notch,” he says firmly. This remains his greatest push to continue.

As the saying goes, “Beauty in the past shows us what was possible,” the beauty Marksonn sees in Playa and the main streets is something unique that can find its life again. “What makes Oranjestad unique is its authentic history, the nostalgia, and the vibrant feeling of being in the heart of the city. If only we could go back some years and remember the sweet histories of Playa. The hype that Main Street had, the feeling of being downtown. Who would walk Main Street after school or skip class just to see who was around? Not to mention the fun nights in Weststraat, where the hot zone was uniquely filled with options for going out and ensuring everyone had a good time. For me, history is what we already have; creativity is what we need to add now to create unique things for the present and future of our Oranjestad.”

I have been hearing for more than 10 years that Playa will improve, but we who are here every day are the ones who know ‘what it’s about.’ The ‘spark’ in me to continue growing and innovating to make things better for Playa will always be there because Playa is where I am from!

“My idea for Playa is to continue creating experiences. We all know that today’s tourists don’t just want to come to Aruba for our beaches but to explore, know the culture, and do things ‘out of the tourist trap area.’ My plan is to continue creating unique concepts and making a difference that others are fighting for in the tourist area.

We need to create a new image of Playa, make it more inviting, and not chase people away. Bring life. Don’t just talk about it. And yes, we need to do something about the homeless problem in the city center.

Advice to other young entrepreneurs?

“You are not alone. We all start in one way or another. Believe in doing something good, and it will turn out well. Keep your ambition high. That’s where you will see the magic happen right before your eyes”.