"For many men, becoming a father is a goal they hope to achieve one day. Some hope for a son, others for a daughter, but at the end of the day, no one has the power to decide the sex of their child," Robert begins.
The news that he was going to be a father for the first time was pure joy. He didn't yet know the sex of the baby on the way because even though his wife, Chastity, had had an ultrasound, the doctor couldn't confirm it. Robert himself grew up in a family with many boys and girls. "At first, I wanted a boy, but in the end, I thought that whatever God sends, we will always be happy. Our priority was that everything would be good with our child. We hadn't even picked a name before our child was born. We had some ideas, but nothing concrete."

Robert’s first daughter, Caithlyne, was born 14 years ago, followed by the birth of their second daughter, Cristalyne (11). This time, they knew it was a girl on the way. "The truth is, I wanted our second child to be a boy, but when it turned out to be a girl, for me, the sex was no longer important." With their third child, Carolyne, they didn’t know it was another girl. "We checked the sex, but it was hard to see. We thought that whatever God sends us, we will always receive with a thousand loves. So, everything was in God's hands." Now, with his three daughters, Robert is a happy father. Knowing the sex of your child in advance is important mainly for preparation; it helps the parents prepare better. However, the element of surprise can also be nice, and each couple can decide how they want to handle it.

It’s very sweet to be a father of three girls because, for example, as their father, you are always their favorite. You mean everything to them. Every day, we spend wonderful moments together, so much so that it’s difficult to mention just one. We enjoy taking car rides, going to the beach, watching movies, going out to eat, and participating in different activities together. Our routines vary. Sometimes my wife helps with something at home, and sometimes I do, like helping them with homework, taking them to school, preparing food, taking them to training, etc. "I think we have a routine that we combine with each other, considering we have three children and we both work."

As a father of three girls, Robert can’t tell you the difference if he had boys because, for him, his happiness is complete. Why do so many fathers wish for a son? "I think it’s because they want a 'mini' version of themselves, to teach him the things they know or do, etc. But this applies to women as well; many mothers want a daughter to have their 'mini' or their doll."

"I want them to fight for what they want. Nothing is easy in the world, but if you work hard for something, you will reap the rewards later. It’s also important for them to always be there for each other and help one another because in life, your siblings and parents are the ones you need the most."