Picture by Petit

Picture by Petit

Picture by Petit

Picture by Petit

After five years since Mayra opened Adara, her motto that guides her daily work is "Empower to transform." Her vision for Adara goes beyond aesthetics; it is about boosting the self-esteem and confidence of our patients. As a woman in a leadership position, a mother of two children, a wife, and a migrant, Mayra has faced many unique challenges that constantly test her determination and skills.
Adara Aesthetic Medical Center was initially a dream that Mayra put aside to dedicate time to her family and motherhood. However, in the past five years, she has poured her heart and soul into making this dream a successful reality. During this time, she also had another child, and despite all the challenges, she couldn’t be prouder of what she has accomplished so far. With determination, positivity, courage, and resilience, she has achieved success for herself and has become an inspiration for other women in our community.

Picture by Van Gassant

Picture by Van Gassant

The difference that 5 years of success can make is incomparable. Since its opening in 2019, Adara Aesthetic Medical Center, led by Dr. Mayra Croes, has experienced tremendous growth, reflecting her professionalism and high standards, positioning itself as the leading center in aesthetic medicine technology in Aruba. “We have tripled the number of patients, and our facilities have been expanded and modernized to include the best technology for specialized areas for advanced treatments, with constant investments to keep growing Adara Aesthetic Medical Center, ensuring the best quality and care for our patients.”

“We are known for introducing innovative treatments and non-invasive techniques for facial and body rejuvenation." Our popular services include Botulinum Toxin, fillers, biostimulators, PRP, and PDO Threads. Additionally, we recently introduced two new Opatra® London devices, the Opatra® Dome Facial Skin Analyzer and the Opatra® Aqua Spectra, allowing us to offer more detailed skin evaluations and more personalized treatments. Undoubtedly, one of the greatest challenges Mayra has faced in the five years with Adara is staying 'up to date' with the constant and rapid developments in the field of aesthetic medicine. This is especially challenging due to Aruba’s location, which presents obstacles for importing and accessing new technologies. However, with her determination and vision, Mayra has always managed to keep Adara at the forefront of the industry, positioning it as a recognized institution for both locals and visitors.”

One of the success stories that Mayra remembers every day is the impact her work has had on a particular person; it was a patient born with a congenital mouth and lip issue, who, after many reconstructive surgeries, still had asymmetry affecting their social life. Mayra helped this patient using hyaluronic acid to create symmetry, resulting in a significant boost in self-esteem and confidence. Another story of empowerment and self-esteem involved the transformative power that helped another patient who suffered from acne scars feel more comfortable in her own skin, without needing to cover up with makeup.

Picture by Van Gassant

Picture by Van Gassant

Picture by Petit

Picture by Petit

The relationship I create with each patient goes beyond just a service; it is a continuous commitment with professional ethics to ensure their well-being and satisfaction.

“I believe every patient is unique and deserves a treatment tailored to their specific needs and expectations. I am personally involved in every step of the process, from the first consultation to post-treatment, to better understand their desires and address any concerns they may have. Every voice is heard, and every opinion is valued. Our team is trained to provide a humane and empathetic care experience, creating a safe and comfortable environment for all our clients.”

The trend among local patients mirrors the global trend; more and more people are choosing non-invasive or surgical aesthetic procedures.

The most sought-after procedures are injections like Botox and fillers. Another trend we observe is that fewer people are traveling abroad to undergo these types of procedures.

To stay at the forefront of the field of aesthetic medicine, it is essential to study and keep innovating. “I am committed to keeping myself updated with the latest trends and technological advancements so that I can improve our services and provide our patients with the best results. I regularly attend international conferences to learn and exchange knowledge with other professionals. I also listen to our patients to understand their needs and, if necessary, adjust our services to meet their desires.”

“Social media and technology are essential for the growth and success of Adara. Through platforms like Instagram and Facebook, we not only promote our services but also educate and build a community with our patients. We share valuable information, showcase results, and provide patient testimonials that demonstrate the quality of our treatments. We maintain a constant dialogue with our clients, no matter where they are.”

Picture by Petit

Picture by Petit

“My advice for other women in business is based on three pillars: resilience, a strong support network, and visibility. Resilience is important because we will encounter challenges and failures on the path to success, but learning from them and continuing with determination is key. A strong support network can provide valuable help and advice, opening doors to new opportunities, so don’t be afraid to seek help. Also, making your work and achievements visible is essential in this competitive world, and don’t forget to set clear goals. Just follow your passion; that will keep you motivated and help you achieve all your dreams.”

“In the coming five years, my vision for Adara Aesthetic Medical Center is to consolidate its position as a leader in aesthetic medicine in the region. Our plan is to expand our services with advanced techniques and pioneering treatments, collaborating with international experts to bring the latest aesthetic advancements to our clinic. "Personally, I am committed to continuing my professional growth, learning new skills, and keeping myself at the forefront of developments in this wonderful field.”