Marc-alain Arcelin, known as Chef Makaveli, pursued his passion in the culinary world after being inspired by his family. "Everyone in my family can cook, and each person has their own style and flavor of cooking." As a person of culture, Chef Makaveli holds Haitian cuisine very close to his heart, as for him, his Haitian culture means everything. He says, "Haitian cuisine is something you cannot teach, you have to grow up in it to know how to cook the different dishes."

“Dessalines is a powerful name for our culture. Haiti is the first Black republic to gain freedom from slavery, and Dessalines was the leader of the revolution that made it happen. Here in Aruba, there is no Haitian restaurant, and I wanted to teach the Aruban community about our culture and our food. That’s what inspired me to come up with the concept of Dessalines Haitian Caribbean Cuisine.

Looking ahead, Chef Makaveli envisions his restaurant growing and making a greater gastronomic impact. "We’re not just bringing food to the table but also culture and experience; it’s a moment to unite with friends and family." His goal for the next 5 years is to eventually open more Haitian restaurants and, in doing so, bring more variety in the types of food available in Aruba. "We have Mexican, Italian, and French cuisine all over the island, but Haitian cuisine—only we have it."

Even though Chef Makaveli has achieved much so far, he acknowledges that financial challenges remain a real barrier to reaching his full goal. Despite this, he has plans in place, such as introducing "brunch" and organizing "Kompa nights" with Haitian music to continue expanding his business.

Through friends, Chef Makaveli first heard about Qredits. His curiosity was enough to see if this could be the support to make his dreams a reality. After some initial confusion, he says the support and guidance he received from Nathaly Harms-Ellis, the branch manager, made the process smooth and effective.
For Chef Makaveli, his relationship with Qredits started with the expectation of receiving significant support for his business plan. Now, he can confirm precisely that. “Definitely, I would recommend Qredits to all other entrepreneurs in Aruba.”

"In a world where everyone wants to be the same, just be yourself! Be different, be raw. Don’t step over others, and don’t let others step over you either"