International Ironman Athlete Sam Long!

International Ironman Athlete Sam Long!

Actions of kindness and empathy speak volumes about a person. When you are willing to give your time to another person, especially someone with a disability, you become a hero. In this edition, we shine a light on Brainer Lampe and Gerald Moreta, two young men with big hearts. They are known for their constant presence in marathons organized in Aruba, but they never run alone; they are always in good company, running and pushing their special companions with disabilities. Brainer and Gerald are the core members of the Beyond Sports Limit Foundation. Together with the foundation, their story is one of love and dedication. Here, we present their lives and the incredible work they do for their community.

The first thing Brainer and Gerald have in common is their inspiring journey in sports. At the age of 6, Brainer Lampe started running with the CAMO club. From the beginning, he showed a great love for competition and a desire to push himself further. His first gold medal, won at his first race at Duracel Field, was the start of a successful career. Thanks to his dedication, discipline, and ability, Brainer became part of the Aruba selection, representing his island in various international events, including CARIFTA and the Dutch Caribbean Championship. His specialty was the 800m and 1.5km races, and with his achievements, he put himself on the sports map. At 12, Brainer decided to expand his horizons and began swimming and cycling, introducing himself to the world of triathlon. In 2000, at 16, he moved to the Netherlands to continue his sport, training with the Sparta Den Haag club and participating in the Rotterdam and Antwerp marathons. During his training for marines in the Netherlands, he didn't stop running; his training helped form a solid foundation for his work as a marine. His motto, "Fall down seven times, stand up eight," reflects his positive attitude and determination to persist despite challenges.

Gerald , on the other hand, at 29 years old, has achieved a balance between his professional success and social impact. He is a simple example of dedication and knowledge as a Senior Tax Consultant at EY Aruba. He is completing his master's in Fiscal Law, having worked in the field for six years. But there is no doubt that Gerald's work outside his daily job gives him an additional dimension. As a dedicated father to his two young children, he understands the importance of support and care. This principle is what led him to be part of the Beyond Sports Limit Foundation, which is doing great work in the community.

In 2014, Brainer Lampe returned to Aruba and continued his studies in Movement and Health at IPA. His passion for sports guided his life, participating in running, cycling, triathlon, football, and baseball. His knowledge and dedication to sports led him to the role of teacher at EPB Oranjestad and Imelda Kleuterschool. That same year, he met Disjonrick and helped him run in an International Half Marathon in Aruba. This inspired Brainer to integrate people with disabilities into sports. Disjonrick, with his positive attitude and big heart, broke taboos and motivated Brainer to create a path for more children like Disjonrick.

Finally, on November 1, 2021, Brainer established Beyond Sports Limit Foundation (BSL) with the goal of promoting inclusivity and acceptance of people with disabilities in sports. In 2022, Gerald Moreta joined BSL, and in 2023, they participated in the Ironman Maryland. Brainer and Disjonrick broke the Ironman record for people with disabilities in 14 hours, 40 minutes, and 58 seconds. They shattered taboos and provided more opportunities for people with disabilities in sports.

Gerald Moreta is a crucial figure in Beyond Sports Limit Foundation, serving as treasurer and representative. The foundation is dedicated to ensuring that everyone, regardless of physical limitations, can pursue their dreams in sports. Gerald is an active guide, running, biking, and swimming with special athletes. His commitment and humility stand out in his work for them, not allowing their limitations to define them, but rather their strength and determination.

Gerald has participated in many competitions, including the Half Ironman and Ronde van Aruba, pushing the boundaries of what is possible for athletes with disabilities. Gerald is a leader in inclusivity and a role model for everyone, using his talents for a cause greater than a sporting goal.

Brainer Lampe and Gerald Moreta are simply two fathers of the heart who have dedicated their lives to giving opportunities and love to people with disabilities. Their work in the Beyond Sports Limit Foundation shows that in sports, there are no limitations. Together, they are transforming sports into an inclusive, motivating, and inspiring place for all of us.