Nizana begins her interview. Becoming a mother at 39, the change in her life goals and priorities was natural. The news that she was expecting a child was a surprise, but not unexpected, as she and her partner, Silvio Bufalini, decided they wanted a child to complete their "team." Upon learning she was pregnant, Nizana brought the same dedication and discipline she has in her professional life and sports into her pregnancy. "I continued running until my seventh month of pregnancy and fitness until my eighth month. With more motivation and reason to lead a healthy life, knowing that I must be well because from the moment you find out you're pregnant, it's not just about you anymore."

Now that she's a mother, she feels she has more purpose to be a good person and do good. Nizana believes that the role of a mother is essential in a child's upbringing and that the balance between work and childcare during the first years of her child's life is crucial. "I have always believed more in harmony than balance. In balance, everything must have an equal share. In harmony, the elements complement each other. Of course, it would be ideal if you could be a full-time mother, especially for your baby's first year, but the reality is different.

So in my case, I dedicate every moment that I'm not at work to my child and make sure that these hours are entirely devoted to him. What we lack in the quantity of time, we have in the quality of time. I have to admit that the hardest part for me was not the pregnancy or the birth; what took me completely by surprise was breastfeeding. It's just a full-time job. I do it with love, but it requires a lot of energy, discipline, and dedication. Especially when it comes to going back to work and switching to pumping.

Also, because wherever you are, no matter what you're doing, you have to drop everything and go pump. In my case, I didn't produce enough to give Lucas 100% breast milk, but every drop counts. Lucas gets 70-80% breast milk and the rest is formula. So it's straightforward to quit and switch to formula. But every time I think of all the benefits that milk has for Lucas, it gives me the courage to continue."

Throughout my life, people have always said, "You won't be able to have the same lifestyle," "A child changes your life," "Wait until you have a child, you won't be able to...." and the most popular one for me, "Forget about running." But it always seemed to have a negative or disastrous tone. Having a child made me realize one thing: life is simply magical!

I feel my life has changed for the better, making me softer, gentler, more determined, and definitely more mature. Sure, there are tough days (but tough days always exist in life), after all, I am responsible for a human life now, but it is the best experience ever. PS: I now take about three times a week for my runs, so I'm still running!

The bond between Nizana, her mother, and siblings is very strong, and their presence in her life is an essential part of her journey to becoming a mother. She believes that norms, values, and faith are timeless, and she plans to raise her child with these as a foundation. "I feel blessed to have such a supportive family that I can count on for everything."

As a successful professional and dedicated athlete who has become a mother, Nizana believes that her unique strengths or qualities are purpose and dedication.
She hopes that her experience will inspire and empower our readers who may be facing similar changes in life. If she could go back in time and give herself advice before becoming a mother, she would say, "Relax and trust yourself."

Trust and follow your instincts; only you can feel and know what is right for your baby and yourself. Don't let social media influence you or rush you for anything! You will see mothers who quickly return to their normal routine, and others who don't. You must do what feels right for you and your baby because that's the only thing that matters!