In October 1990, Maroushka M. Rafini began her significant journey with FCCA, shortly after arriving from the Netherlands. "The question was whether I was interested in a job at FCCA as a social worker." Maroushka's role was crucial in the debt collection department, consisting of three people; to prevent mortgage payment defaults among those facing social problems.

Her preventive and personalized approach was essential to ensuring each client could maintain their home, avoiding insurmountable debt. This was her initial step that set the tone for a remarkable career dedicated to assisting those in need.

Maroushka also contributed to FCCA's transformation, adapting its services to meet the changing needs in the Aruban community. The increase in the number of employees from 50 to 94 and the adjustment of FCCA's mortgage offerings are just part of these changes . "Today, clients wishing to build a house can obtain a higher mortgage, and FCCA does not exclude any aspect of construction as long as these comply with the rules set by the country's infrastructure departments. FCCA is working on apartment buildings for rent, and air conditioning is no longer considered a luxury."

Upon our question for a special memory during the years that have been engraved in Maroushka's mind throughout her career with FCCA, it is at the beginning of her career that she recalls; "There was a couple facing significant financial and marital problems that seemed unsolvable. After guiding them to an agency that could help with their marital issues, they realized they had to rent out their house to save it as well. Meanwhile, there was a couple looking for a place to rent but couldn't rent a social house because their salary was higher than the prescribed norm for renting a house. I connected the FCCA client with this couple. In the end, the first couple saved their home, returned after two years debt-free, and the couple who rented the house built their own home with a mortgage from FCCA."

"Working at FCCA has made it possible for me to help many people emerge from uncertainties and significant problems, and today they live happily, peacefully, and with a roof over their heads."

Maroushka Rafini

Maroushka highlighted the differences between FCCA and other institutions: flexibility and the opportunity to be creative. "We are open to listening to ideas that come from both our workers and our clients and try to find solutions or changes where possible." According to Maroushka's perception, despite being bound by accounting rules, FCCA remains a dynamic organization open to innovation.

"In recent years, FCCA has managed to lower the interest rates for its clients, expand the mortgage amount, and remove the existing 'ceiling', eliminating the fact that mortgage interest is recalculated every year according to salary adjustments, and FCCA is more focused on creating communities rather than 'just building houses." If before FCCA was considered as a foundation for less resourceful clients only, today that perception no longer exists. According to Maroushka, FCCA's doors are open to anyone wishing to rent or build their first home, and it is no longer considered just a foundation for clients with fewer resources.

"FCCA has been meeting its goals for 45 years and will continue to do so in accordance with the demands of the people of Aruba. We do not exclude any group of people and remain open to all innovations in the housing market, both for mortgages and rentals."