"With an academic background in biology and biotechnology, Jonathan Harms felt a calling to create something unique and genuinely Aruban. Inspired by his family's background in alcohol importation (Romar Trading), Jonathan embarked on his entrepreneurial journey. 'His desire to honor his heritage and combine it with his scientific passion gave birth to Pepe Margo Distillery. He started the conversation with his father, Milton Harms. "Together with my father, we visited several distilleries, and that's where the idea started to brew. We began to work it out, brainstorm, and eventually, more and more people got involved to contribute to this great idea.'"

"With a vision to create the perfect distillery for Aruba, finding the perfect place was important to Jonathan, and thus the idea of a special house in his heart became the logical choice. Located on Wilhelminastraat - known for its old buildings rich in Aruban history - the house of Pepe Margo, a living tribute to Jonathan Harm's cultural and family roots, found a new purpose.

In this historic house, where Catarina Margarita (Margo) Arends - known for her culinary talent and beloved by the community as 'Tanta Margo' or 'Pepe Margo' - lived and shared her culinary art, Jonathan found inspiration. It's the place where his father, Milton Harms, grew up, and where his ancestors made their mark. The distillery, a project of restoration and love, became the start of something new, transforming this historic house into an artisanal distillery. 'The restoration and adaptation process took us two and a half years, an effort of love and dedication.'"

Pepe Margo Distillery ta specialisa den rum y gin artesanal, cu cada fase di produccion meticulosamente controla. 'Nos ta traha cu e mihor ekiponan di Alemania y cada batch ta wordo purba pa garantisa calidad superior,' Jonathan a menciona. “Nos proceso ta unico - desde e fermentacion te cu e destilacion y maduracion den barinan bourbon cu ta bin for di Kentucky na Merca.”

"In addition to producing alcohol, Pepe Margo Distillery is an attraction for both tourists and locals. Jonathan and his team offer tours of the distillery, allowing visitors to experience the production process and the cultural richness behind it." "We want to share this process, now possible in Aruba, with the world."

"Jonathan has big plans for Pepe Margo Distillery, with aspirations to expand the product line and continue to innovate. "We will continue to grow and develop, always maintaining our focus on quality and authenticity,' he emphasized."