"My favorite activities are talking and spending time with my friends. Besides that, I enjoy playing Badminton," Winston (15) begins to share. A very typical response for a 15-year-old about his favorite pastime. However, what you may not notice at first glance are the extraordinary abilities that Winston has demonstrated since a young age in the fields of numbers, calculation, and mathematics.

Although his parents currently do not focus on labeling or quantifying Winston's abilities, they prioritize providing him the support and possibilities to continue developing himself. In the following interview, we get to know more about Winston and the world of possibilities that awaits him, as we speak with his parents and himself.

Luzina, a tax consultant with her own established company in Aruba, and Jacob, a consultant and project manager, are Winston's parents, who also live with Winston's younger sister. "Winston was a very sweet and calm baby. Since his birth, we practiced co-sleeping for a year. Then, he moved to his own room. We practiced American Baby Sign Language so that he could communicate with us before he could talk. We also followed the principles of Baby-Led Weaning by Gill Rapeley. As he grew up, he loved the "Gossie & Friends" books by Olivier Dunrea, about two geese. These books are available in various languages, and we read them a lot together. Winston enjoyed playing with building blocks and his toy excavator in the sandbox.

Where did you notice his most significant interests?

At the age of three, he started attending Beautiful Sun Montessori School with their program for children aged 3 to 6. There, Winston was never bored as he could explore all his interests. He used to ask his teacher a lot of questions. During his time at Beautiful Sun Montessori School, we began to notice Winston's outstanding ability for numbers, calculation, and mathematics. He showed a special aptitude for mathematics even at the age of four in Kindergarten. For example, he was fascinated by large numbers like a googol (1 with 100 zeros after it) and would perform calculations like a googol times a googol.

"We always involved Winston in important decisions about his education. After Beautiful Sun Montessori School, he attended Colegio Santa Famia in Pos Chiquito. They offered him to skip a grade, but he didn't want to. He wanted to stay in the same grade with his friends. At that time, Colegio Santa Famia made an extra effort and offered Winston the opportunity to advance faster with his math. During math classes, he was placed in higher-level classes. By the end of 3rd grade, he completed all the primary school math.

Considering Winston's achievements, we believe that family support played a crucial role. "We always encouraged Winston to read books. Since kindergarten, he has been a member of the national library, and we visit the library regularly for him to borrow books. We made sure Winston received private math tutoring, and we also used Khan Academy (a free online math program). During vacations, we searched for various math camps for Winston, such as "Den Mi Cabez" (Aruba), "Firecracker Math Camp" (Berkley, CA), "Vierkant Wiskunde" (NL), encouraged him to participate in activities at Brenchi's Lab (Maker expo), and all kinds of coding camps. This year, he attended a five-week math camp in the United States and Canada (from July 2 to August 5, 2023). To participate in this math camp, he had to submit an application, which consisted of a qualifying quiz and a personal statement. From January until the end of February, Winston worked hard independently on the qualifying quiz, which he had to submit in the first week of March. In total, there were more than 850 applicants worldwide, and only 65 places were available.

Can you share some proud moments of your child's academic and/or personal achievements?

During a piñata party, he wouldn't fill his own bag fully because he doesn't like having too much candy. But he helped other kids fill their bags with candy. He also stands up for other kids in his class when they are bullied by teachers. Another proud moment was in November 2022 when Winston participated in the Art Fair San Nicolas and exhibited art he created using artificial intelligence. He ensured that he could participate and convinced the organizers to provide a TV screen for showcasing his art.

We hope he will be healthy and happy.

"Give your child undivided attention for at least 20 minutes a day. Motivate your child to discover what they like. It doesn't matter if it's math, dance, art, construction, cooking, etc. And if your child shows interest in something, nurture it, provide support, and help them. Don't be afraid if your child doesn't fit into a standard model. Don't focus on what your child is not good at but help them excel in what they are good at."

From a very young age, were there any subjects that interested you more than others?

Yes, I have been interested in mathematics throughout my life. I am not sure why because it was when I was very young, but it felt natural, and I could think a lot about it.

How old were you when you realized that learning came easily to you?

I didn't know at first. Now I do, but it's as if people who know me tell me that I understand things very easily.

Which subjects do you find particularly easy?

Mathematics and physics because there's little theory to learn by heart. Also, economics.

Were there any moments where you surprised yourself with your ability to comprehend/learn?


Aside from your interest in mathematics and programming, are there any other areas that interest you?

Yes, I am currently involved in art as well. Last year, I participated in the Aruba Art Fair, and this year, I am participating again. I will exhibit artworks I created using artificial intelligence.

How have your teachers and mentors helped and supported your exceptional academic abilities?

Sussanne, my teacher at Beautiful Sun, had a significant impact on me. We still talk a lot. Also, my parents motivate me to always do my best. Tim Croes gave me the opportunity to take independent math lessons for an advanced level.

Have you ever experienced moments of doubt or challenge because of your academic abilities?


Do you ever feel out of place in a traditional school or classroom environment?

Yes, in many subjects, I don't have much to do, and I ask myself what I'm doing there because I have to stay in school for 6 to 8 hours feeling like I'm wasting my time while I could be learning something new or more challenging.

What are your future plans?

I'm not sure yet. Right now, I'm working on projects that can have a positive impact on the world. 1. I'm working on a graphing calculator that will be cheaper than the TI calculators and can also be used during tests/exams. 2. A digital Papiamento dictionary. Both projects are still in beta.

Do you consider yourself an extraordinary and intelligent young person?

I don't think about these things normally.