It seems that Mark Benson is a person who doesn't know what it means to take a break. Every new year, we ask ourselves, "What more can Mark surprise us with?" His mind is constantly in motion. His evolution began in his childhood, raised in a house with a father who was a prominent figure in radio and media in Aruba. Today, in 2023, Mark has already made a name for himself. He is a firm believer in seeing opportunities and acting on them, and if one does not succeed, learn from it and start over again. Now his latest creation, BOOKARUBA.COM, is another proof of this.

(XM): As a child, did you see yourself more in your future as a businessman or a media/music personality like your father?
(MB): More of a combination since I consider the music/media part more of a hobby. Naturally, if it can bring in financial income, that would be a plus point. So I always tried to do other types of businesses along with the media part.

XM: What are the valuable lessons you learned from your father that you still apply in your life today?
MB: Always be responsible, keep your word with anyone, and also something from him and my mom was to always do your best to try to get a diploma to use this as a backup if your business does not work out.

XM: How does the process start with you at the moment of a new business?
MB: So far, it always comes as an inspiration or to solve a problem. I don't sit behind a desk and force a business idea to enter me. I was somewhere or in something that I noticed a possible business. I also try to bring a business that has something innovative. I don't believe that copying the same format as someone else is the best way, although others have succeeded from this, but this is speaking personally.

XM: Is it easy to do business in Aruba, if not, explain?
MB: It's mixed. Of course, depending on the industry you are in and if you need permits from, for example, the government. Many times this takes many years and it depends on who you are, how quickly this moves. Also for the financing part, this can be difficult if it is a large project. Apart from banks and Qredits, there is not a large or known investment environment in Aruba. For example crowdfunding, angel investors, equity investors or other possibilities that exist in other countries.

XM: Among all the projects you have undertaken, which is the one you feel most proud of or less, and why?
MB: The one I am most proud of, I have to say, remains 24ora.com. Being able to survive 16 years, employing more than 20 full-time people and having over 170 thousand followers on social media, is not light. Naturally, not everyone is a fan, but the important thing is that they continue to follow the 'news'. Unfortunately, in the news world you cannot live on positive news alone. I wouldn't be able to choose a business that I'm not proud of. Even businesses that didn't go well, I don't hide the 'fact' that they existed. So I wouldn't use the word 'proud' because each business makes you grow and you'll get 'lessons' that you can continue to use in your life.

XM: As a person who constantly creates and expands businesses, what have you learned about yourself over the years?
MB: I have learned that the part of the business I like the most is the part of creation. So the process from the idea, to its business plan, logo, to seeing its opening. Sometimes it is difficult to stay driven for many years. Ideally in the future I would like to do more of this, so help others start up their business and then they themselves continue with the 'operations'.

XM: In your own opinion, what is the potential for Aruba in the digital world and how would you advise to make use of these benefits?
MB: Aruba definitely has potential, and it's not a bad place to do business, but up to a certain level. If you have very big ambitions, it can be limiting. The good thing is that our political environment is quite stable compared to other countries. The influx of tourism is also quite stable in the sense that you can preview analyze and prepare for the peaks. Also for what the internet is for example, this is also stable with you being able to manage businesses from other countries also in Aruba. As for the 'digital financial' part of the world, we are lagging a lot behind. Although some banks have some very good options that not everyone knows about, the digital infrastructure does not give a small entrepreneur many options.

XM: You had a restaurant Patio 15 that you closed. Do you see yourself in the future with a restaurant again? What were the challenges for this business?
MB: Patio 15 is certainly still my baby given that I and many customers have good memories here and I don't regret at all trying to make it financially successful. For many, it was a shock since every weekend it was busy, but the rest of the 4 days, the clients were not enough to cover all the operational costs that come with running a restaurant. Now with that experience, I know what needs to be paid more attention to. The major challenges were managing a team of more than 20 employees and also staying competitive with so many restaurants on such a small island. In the future I do not rule out the possibility of making my contribution in this industry.

XM: With the COVID-19 pandemic, many challenges and also opportunities have come. What has changed for you during this period?
MB: You always worry about what will happen with tourism since Aruba depends a lot on this. But still, I continued to put my faith in God that things will go well and I always tried to stay optimistic and that the opportunities come from God with a goal. So it didn't change much in my way of thinking or acting.
XM: What are your plans for the future?
MB: I don't plan very long, so more like a maximum of 5 years. It's more about how to continue growing the businesses I have now, as well as implementing more technology in them to be able to offer a better service to the customers. Also to continue creating content for my YouTube channel that many people like.

"I advise them not to quickly believe that it's very easy just because everyone shows that their business is going well on social media. Often, new entrepreneurs underestimate the amount of work and sacrifice that has to be made. It's important for them to prepare themselves and their families for their financial situation to change drastically for several years.
Know exactly how they are going to generate financial income, as at the end of the day it revolves around that. Not everyone has to like your product or service, but the customers you have, they have to be satisfied and they have to come back. If they come back, it means they like something about you and they want more.
Never lose faith in yourself. Not everyone will appreciate you and your ideas. But it should not discourage you. Stay on your own path and don't let other people influence your way of thinking. If you have faith in yourself and you work hard for what you want, you will reach your goal."