Originally from Curaçao, Sandro arrived in Aruba in October 2001 with a clear goal: to grow in the field he knew and was well-versed in, which was sales. For seven years, he worked hard with Yellow Pages, where his sales job gave him the opportunity to meet many companies and people in Aruba. But during this period, Sandro also noticed something peculiar: Aruba is a very social island where people like to have parties and events, yet it wasn't so easy to reach companies to help in the organization of parties or events.

"Although it took a while, in 2011, with limited money I had saved, I started buying some chairs and tables bit by bit. Then I placed an ad in the 'wanted/selling' section of the newspaper with a simple picture of a chair and the message below:
'FOR RENT / CHAIR FOR 1,- Florin.'"

"I registered my company with the Chamber of Commerce a month later, and thus began my growth, modest but steady," Sandro recounts. As often happens, the beginning was not easy. Sandro worked hard, but every profit had to be reinvested back into his small business. “For many years, I worked two jobs to support my family. At times, I even did pizza deliveries to meet everything. Today, this beginning has materialized into my company called Aruba Via Rental, with the unconditional support of my family.”

"The main reason I started the Party Center business was to generate more income, as we always lived tightly, and I was afraid of not being able to provide everything my family needed, especially when my first child was born in 2004," Sandro explains. The first significant change, however, came in 2019, with a new opportunity to take over La Comodidad, a 'party rental supplies' company. Since the end of 2018, I knew that La Comodidad, a family business in 'party rental supplies,' would close its doors after more than 60 years in Aruba as the children themselves had no interest in continuing in this line of business. Sandro saw a unique opportunity for himself.

“During ARUBA VIA RENTALS, I worked a lot with the late Mrs. Cathy Arends of La Comodidad, a very loving person with a lot of love and patience who helped her clients with everything. I used to go to her several times for all kinds of things for the business, and we always helped each other. After Mrs. Cathy passed away in 2016, and after a short conversation with my family, we decided to try, it was very risky but still ‘worth it’ to try and take over the company, inventory, and employees. The owner accepted the proposal. This was the moment I approached Qredits for the possibility of financing this, and to my surprise, it went very smoothly. After going through the numbers, Qredits approved, and within 8 weeks, I was ready with the purchase of the company. In April 2019, I took over the company with all its employees. Qredits helped me not only financially but also with advice and guidance during the complicated process of taking over an existing business.

Meanwhile, a year after purchasing the business, Covid struck. “Covid was very disastrous for us since as a party center, we were practically closed for 1 year and 3 months without being able to rent out practically anything," Sandro declares. The pandemic is also the reason why half of my employees left, and only one remains to this day. To overcome the pandemic, my family came up with an idea to start selling, and we survived almost 1 year from it until we could turn the business around a bit. The continuous support of my wife and strategic adjustments helped us survive the pandemic.

“I had heard of Qredits but never thought of contacting them in the past because I always went to my bank where I had credit,” Sandro says honestly, but the good reputation of Qredits made him decide otherwise. “The more I heard how Qredits helps its clients, the more it caught my attention. They not only lend you money to start a business but also guide you on how to run your business and plan well to remain financially responsible.

This was very important to me because responsibility would increase by 1000%. From the first time I entered Qredits , I felt secure and very likely to be able to work with them. Of course, doing my part and after the requirements, everything went super smooth. Qredits Aruba team are the best.” While Qredits often finances new or existing companies to help them grow, Sandro's case was different. It was about taking over an already existing company. “This does not happen often, but after going over the numbers of La Comodidad for the last 2 years, Qredits was convinced that what I wanted to do with the company and modernize it would surely be a success but with a lot of work behind it.

The knowledge that Sandro acquired since he received Qredits' support goes beyond financial support. “With Qredits during the purchase of my business, I learned a lot about how to organize and evaluate the business and plan ahead. Qredits gave me a payment break for 12 months during the pandemic, and this helped a lot to have peace of mind. Qredits is there for the entrepreneur, and I can say that with great pride.

Without Qredits I would still be delivering pizza or doing another sales job.
Sandro Bouwman

Now for January 2024, I am planning to expand even more with the purchase of 1 more truck and new inventory. Since I took over the business, I have not only worked on improving the product but also on improving the way to reach it. With our new website that will be released in 2024, you will be able to see our complete inventory, rental prices, ideas for events, and you can order online right away or ask for a quote.

“To have a business, you must have a lot of patience, stay positive, and when things are ‘slow’, always prepare yourself for the times that will be busy. And finally, fulfill your client. If you know it is ‘feasible’, don't be afraid, work a little harder, and you will be well rewarded. Don’t be afraid to Work.”

“Qredits is the number 1 company to approach when starting a business. The guidance you get from them is unparalleled; they help you grow in your business so for me, it cannot compare with Local Bank
“Thank you, Qredits”