Inspired by her role model, Audrey Hepburn, 21-year-old Gavriëla is ready to represent Aruba in the Miss Aruba pageant with her strong character and compassionate spirit. More than just representation, she has a profound message for those who may think they cannot achieve something themselves: anything is possible. Discover more about Gavriëla…

Why did you sign up for MISS UNIVERSE ARUBA?
Ever since I can remember, I had the desire to participate in Miss Aruba. I have always admired beauty pageants where women can be powerful and have the opportunity to positively change people's lives. From a young age, I carried a passion to help anyone around me, whether they wanted it or not. This passion can have a transformative impact if I value it and believe in the "impossible," which can change the world for the better. This is where Miss Aruba comes in, providing me with the opportunity not only to help those around me but also to contribute to the progress of my country and the entire universe. The greatest gift is to have the opportunity to put into practice the passion in my heart. It's a significant step for a woman who has never been part of the beauty world but has believed in the dream within her heart. I can motivate others to take action and believe in what they can achieve—I had to take that step myself first.
Name three unique qualities that make you the ideal person to represent Aruba on an international stage.
To represent Aruba, a person must believe in their country and have the desire to see Aruba progress. The three unique qualities I possess are: a passion for the well-being and progress of Aruba and its people, considering myself an optimistic person who seeks solutions to resolve dilemmas and does not shy away from difficult situations but confronts them. Additionally, a courageous and strong character resides within me, and that's why I am here today to show the world that, yes, You Can.

Share an experience that has shaped you into the person you are today and how it motivates you to participate in the Miss Universe Aruba pageant.
During my adolescence, I went through a dark period. During this time, I learned what it meant to give up and feel like I couldn't go any further. The result was that I isolated myself from the world and believed I was worth nothing for a while. It seemed like a hopeless situation, but with the help of our Creator, I managed to find the light again. Today, I can proudly say that I recently graduated and became one of the best achievers. Now I have confidence in myself, and I have learned to love and appreciate life. This is my experience, and I want to be an example for those going through similar situations, telling them that there is hope and to never give up.

Aruba is known for its tourist attractions but faces challenges due to the growth of tourism and the construction of hotels. What steps do you believe should be taken to balance economic growth and environmental preservation?
For our economic stability, it is already known that as a country, we cannot rely on a single economic pillar, which is tourism. I believe it is time to start supporting businesses and industries that focus on environmental preservation as an additional income source by adjusting our laws to support investors who invest in ecological projects. Furthermore, the existing tourism pillar we have needs to be transformed into a sustainable one. For example, hotels undergoing renovation should start using eco-friendly products in their architecture and interior design.

In an era where our understanding and perception of beauty are evolving, how would you define beauty as a participant in a beauty pageant?
External beauty is subjective, and that's why it is important to develop your own identity to see and appreciate every detail that shapes you as a person and makes you beautiful. Beauty is self-awareness that values everything that defines you, including your experiences.