Do not forget to live the important details, believing that life is a journey to be better than others!
Always seek the balance between: THINK, FEEL AND ACT.

Gassant Photography

Gassant Photography

Writer by: Jacqueline Wernet

Her passion as an educator initially created unique opportunities for her to shine on different platforms. This same passion is applied to her work to improve the world, without taking away the importance of her own family in the process.

I am an analytical person, curious about all things related to human development, focused on my family, consistent and positive.

UNESCO, as a specialized agency of the United Nations, has the areas of work of Education, Science, Culture, Communication & Information. After many years of dedicating myself to a career focused on the financial/legal side, I found it important to explore the more sociological and international part that has always attracted me and from my work I continued to follow.

The most important qualities, not only for women, but for people in general, are flexibility to accept and adapt to changes in society, willingness to collaborate & cooperate, and also being able to handle your own ego versus empathy for others.


I am inspired by many things, including: the development of my children, travel, art, gastronomy, culture in general and actions that I consider to be of impact and importance in my direct circle.

Always follow the path of integrity, even though it can take a long time to demonstrate why this is important.


That is something that others have to indicate, but I approach every encounter with other people very openly and with the goal of stimulating each person's talent.


The balance you are referring to is not an easy one to achieve. The reality is that not every period of your life can be in perfect balance and, in my opinion, one should not aspire to this either. The reality is that, in the long term, my choices have always been more inclined towards my family and not my professional life.

This question is different for each person, as each individual has their own way of handling setbacks. In my opinion, it helps to have a 'glass-half-full' attitude and trust that all periods are temporary, both the good and the less good ones.

It's great to have role models, but it's better if they project a realistic life of working to achieve your goals and ambitions! Although winning the lottery and having perfect skin are also desirable.

The first part of being able to inspire is to have content, either intellectually and/or emotionally. Then, we need to teach children empathy and appreciation to recognize the power of diversity, celebrate other people's talents, take care of our environment and nature, and seek creative and innovative solutions.


The achievements I am most satisfied with are things I was not paid for: An example of my first serious job: I was giving lessons and besides this, I dedicated 3 years every Friday afternoon, to be a faculty advisor for Key Club at the Aruban College, my students - who were already so engaged with social issues - learned from me more than I learned from them. It is in activities like these that leaders are created, not in a class using traditional methods. More than anything, I am proud of the family that my husband and I have formed and manage every day, with good days and some not so good. At the end of the day, I am content when I feel that I have given my best.


In my opinion, we need to look at the bigger picture and change the definition of who and why someone is inspiring. With this mindset shift, many people can be inspiring. My 92-year-old grandmother raised 10 children, numerous grandchildren, and great-grandchildren; life itself was her university. If you experience her zest for life, her positive outlook, and her unconditional appreciation, you'll be inspired for weeks! This intergenerational inspiration is beautiful, of great added value, and a blessing for those who have the privilege to experience it.


To be honest, I am more in favor of focusing on gender equality rather than on men and women specifically. People as a species should be more supportive of each other. I know it's easier said than done, but we need to concentrate on being a 'good person' first.


The women in my inner circle: my grandmother, my mother, my sister, my mother-in-law, my aunts, my cousins, and my dear friends. The reason is very simple: status, function, or education do not inspire me as much as the feeling of being appreciated does. My daughters inspire me in a special way. I watch their development with curiosity, sometimes fear, and mostly with the perspective to protect them. Their honest feedback on all topics keeps me grounded. I hope life gives me the opportunity to have a long and rich experience with them.


Recently, I had an intern who inspired me greatly. The most valuable advice I received was to always follow the path of integrity. It can take a long time to demonstrate why this is important, but if you act with integrity, you can acquire the rest along the way, according to your own process


On paper, women have made tremendous progress in Aruba. The question is whether women feel this progress as well. In my opinion, there is still a way to go, as society is still traditionally divided. That's why it's important to educate both boys and girls on the importance of healthy relationships, gender equality, and mutual respect.