Written by: Jacqueline

Amid the transformation of Aruba's political landscape and the emergence of the Partido Direccion Politiea (PDP) in the current year of 2023 represents a revolutionary change. Founded by young individuals Leonardo Figaroa and Xavier Boekhoudt, the PDP represents a beacon of hope for a new generation of politicians dedicated to facing the long-term challenges that Aruba confronts.

"Our mission is to create a government that truly works for Aruba, where the general interest prevails and citizens of all levels feel heard and represented."

I want to ask Aruba for an opportunity to prove to every citizen who has lost confidence in our politicians, that we can achieve.

For me, it is important to show Aruba that we have politicians who want to create solutions based on dialogue, participation, and a debate on the legal consequences laws have on citizens.”

- Leonardo Figaroa, co-founder of PDP.


The central philosophy of PDP revolves around nurturing and empowering the next generation of political leaders to address Aruba's most pressing problems.

To cultivate an environment of critical thinking and active participation, the party seeks to engage marginalized groups and bring their voices to the center of the decision-making process.

"I am committed to fostering an environment where everyone is included in the dialogue, where we create more leaders, and where we cultivate a society that appreciates critical thinking and active participation.

- Leonardo Figaroa, co-founder of PDP.

I want to be the symbol of the new politics, it is important to start preparing the next generation of politicians.

“In the next Aruban Parliament, I see myself working every day on social laws to improve the position of young people and the most vulnerable citizens in the community.

It is important to review education, labor, environmental protection, and public finance laws.

- Leonardo Figaroa, co-founder of PDP.


Xavier Boekhoudt, the other co-founder of PDP, brings his expertise in Policy for Sustainable Development to the table. "I lived in the Netherlands for five years and studied at the University of Twente where I completed my Bachelor in Technology and Liberal Arts & Sciences with a profile in Policy for Sustainable Development." A firm believer in creating lasting solutions that meet the needs of the current generation without compromising the island's natural resources for future generations, Boekhoudt's focal point is on striking a balance between development and preservation.

Leonardo Figaroa y Xavier Boekhoudt

Leonardo Figaroa y Xavier Boekhoudt

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Leonardo Figaroa y Xavier Boekhoudt

Leonardo Figaroa y Xavier Boekhoudt

"I aspire to develop sustainable solutions that allow our current generation to live a good life while keeping in mind that we must pass our piece of land to future generations in a stable and fruitful state." - Xavier Boekhoudt, co-founder of PDP.

The political organization is a Forum, a forum is more than a platform. Forum is a space where the exchange of thoughts takes place. 'Partido Direccion Politiea', the name is derived from the principle of working towards a Government that works for Aruba, the general interest must prevail.


PdP's vision is a social-liberal progressive ideology, our starting point is that humans should have the space to progress, the government's task is to ensure that the generated prosperity is invested in the citizens. Our mission is to create a society where every citizen gets better job opportunities, economic prosperity and financial stability, and social mobility, in balance with ecological consequences. It is important that every citizen gets the opportunity to achieve their goals.

The guiding principle of PDP is to create a society that includes all citizens in a fair and just way so that they can function as co-citizens in our country in a way that celebrates their own identity but with a view to the responsibility and duty of all of us.
This commitment extends to all aspects of life in Aruba, from education and labor laws to environmental protection and public finances.


The party invites citizens who wish to contribute to the change that Aruba needs, to join forces and work together to create a more prosperous and sustainable future.

Partido Direccion Politiea demonstrates that significant change is possible, and that we can achieve a more equitable, inclusive, and progressive society for Aruba.

The success of Partido Direccion Politiea will depend on the support and participation of the Aruban people.

At this critical stage of political development in Aruba, the party represents an opportunity to create a future that celebrates diversity, creativity, and resilience in Aruba.