Mr. Glenn Marugg has joined a company, incorporated in Aruba since 2015, small at first, but of immense importance, called ForenSys Aruba.
The company's vision was to create a detailed, organized, and effective system to assist insurance companies and local police by documenting traffic incidents. Today, ForenSys is a testament to this vision, demonstrating an impeccable record and a reputation for detailed accuracy.

ForenSys was founded based on the concept of accuracy, which has helped to simplify the process of documenting incidents and accidents in Aruba. With a team of 23 people, Glenn set to work and began to create what is perhaps today one of the most comprehensive and accurate companies in information and data of traffic incidents in Aruba.
From the moment he began managing ForenSys, the essence of his goal was always to streamline the work of his clients, who are insurance companies in Aruba, so they can have access to all information, to do their work to reach a conclusion of an incident for compensation to their insured in a faster way.

"We document every detail of the incident and make the data available to our clients, so they can evaluate and finalize the claims process much faster and more efficiently" - Glenn Marrug explains.
Also, the work of ForenSys has given police authorities the value in their time and the discretion to be present at incidents that require their presence. All this, to the benefit of the safety of the community of Aruba.

From the moment ForenSys was incorporated, it was necessary to have an application system to collect data, which works optimally. Today, this system, created by the company itself has known several 'upgrades' and is unique in its format, where on-site, the trained personnel of ForenSys can load all information, from text describing what happened to video pictures, audio statements of the people involved, available documentation, weather conditions, and even detect the "GPS" location. Thus, an exact precision.
"Imagine our staff through their iPads putting all the information at the moment they arrive at the incident site and uploading this in our application system for our clients. No task is left for the next day. Each incident is meticulously controlled and completed in the application." From there, insurance companies have access to get the information they need, immediately.

ForenSys priority is not only to provide accurate documentation, but also to have trained staff and to safeguard personal information. Therefore, training and ethics are key aspects of their operation.
"When a person starts working with our company, they go through a rigorous training of at least 6 weeks that covers traffic rules to rules of ethics. Ethics is very important and we have a lot of security technology to ensure that these are also complied with. Our team must follow all rules that protect the privacy of the situation and of those involved and for this, they sign privacy clauses", Glenn says.
Currently, the ForenSys Aruba company's database has around 80,000 traffic incidents recorded. "Our work is of utmost importance." Due to all the details involved, ForenSys' role in the community adds to the importance of documenting incidents with precision so that each party can get a fair and correct evaluation.

ForenSys goes to every traffic incident that has a vehicle involved to document it. This way we can make sure that the process with your insurance company can start faster.

When we arrive at the site, we first identify ourselves and then check the documents of all those involved. We take pictures of the road and the cars found at the site, including the damage to the vehicles. We take statements from everyone and "scan" the documents. Once this process is complete, we upload everything into our database so it is available for the insurance company to work with.

Does ForenSys only go to traffic accidents?
No, we assist at all incidents that in any way could have caused damage to your vehicle. For example, joyriding, theft of wheel/tire or other parts of the car, if they break glass to steal in the car, vandalism, damage caused by stone or debris flying from another car, hole in the road etc.

How can one identify a ForenSys Unit?
This question is very important, as it can happen that sometimes other people identify themselves at the incident site as ForenSys personnel to get information about the accident, while they are NOT our employees.
To correctly identify our units, they arrive at the site in a company car, wearing a ForenSys uniform and a badge that identifies them.
If at any time a person may doubt whether the person presenting at the site is an employee of our company, they can freely call 165 to verify.

We go to between 600 to 700 accidents every month. This can naturally vary from month to month.

No, ForenSys does not do roadservice, but depending on where the person who called is insured, we can call the company that works with their insurance to come and assist the customer.