Incredible to think that the idea for an ice cream started at a time when its creator was on a diet. Gino Montsanto had been following the popular weight-loss method known as the Keto Diet for almost a year. Being a lover of ice cream himself, he realized that he couldn't find an ice cream that met the requirements of this diet. That's when the idea of creating a perfect ice cream according to Keto rules came about. The ice cream got the funny name "KEDA KETO." It initially started as a joke among friends, but later became a reality. (It's not about "staying quiet" by not talking but rather about "staying on Keto"... got it?) In a spontaneous way, Gino and his partner Larissa got to work to make KEDA KETO a reality, but it wasn't easy.

The first challenge was knowledge. "It was very difficult because I had no knowledge of ice cream production, so I had to learn from scratch. The first sample we produced was harder than concrete. I spent many sleepless nights and endless research was required, not only for production but also for designing the logo, packaging, and branding ideas." The second challenge was time since both Gino and Larissa had full-time jobs. But they were both focused on one goal: creating a unique ice cream that would benefit the Keto diet. "The biggest sacrifice I made was selling my car to invest in the professional machinery needed for production. By doing that and with the help of our team of four people, including my mother Trisia, who handles the management of the company, we have now achieved more consistency and growth for KEDA KETO," explained Gino.

The moment we heard that we sold out within three days of launching, we realized that people liked the product. It made me think, "Wow, we're succeeding." If you had to start from the beginning, with all the challenges and triumphs ahead, would you do it all over again? Certainly, yes. We would do everything anew. The achievements, big and small, make all the difficult times "worth it." Look how far we have come until now to have this interview

All our ice creams are made without sugar, and the products are vegan, without any animal-based ingredients. Through a lot of research and information, we discovered that "Monkfruit" is the perfect sweetener, fitting well into a healthy diet. The idea is not just to be seen as a keto-friendly option but also as a healthier choice in the freezer compared to other products on the market. It requires a lot of work and time to focus on every detail involved in production. It requires extensive research and trial and error.

We use local fruits such as mango, coconut, sapodilla, and other local fruits to give our product a more sentimental feel. We try to go back in time to the era of Mr. Wever and Mr. Piet's sapodilla to see how we can create a healthier product while maintaining its unique taste. The idea behind this is to bring back a feeling of nostalgia for our locals while also offering a healthier option.

We are very grateful for the positive response we have received from our local community. Many times we walk down the street and overhear people talking about the product. It makes us very happy and is a great blessing. We want to say thank you for this.

It's difficult to pinpoint one specific flavor as the most popular. It depends on each location and which flavors sell the most. For example, where tourists buy, sapodilla is more challenging because they don't know what it is. But where locals go, this flavor is already very popular. I must say that each flavor receives tremendous feedback and sells very well.

It's difficult to compare ourselves to any other product on the shelf since we produce with local ingredients, and the production takes place here. What sets us apart from other products is refining the recipes as much as possible to offer a unique Caribbean flavor. That's how we stand out from the others.

Many more flavors are coming, and we are very excited to share them with the community! We are also in the process of closing a deal to get our first freezer truck. This will further expand our company.

Always try to create something with Aruba in mind. Aruba's focus is to serve the world and tourism. This will always remain an important factor in our culture. But don't forget to give back to our own island and always maintain the identity of being a proud Aruban.