Written by: Jacqueline Wernet
I have always had the vocation to choose a profession where I can help and be closer to other people, where I can give advice and it must be in the health field. When I finished the Aruban College, I chose not to go abroad but to stay here and study MBO+ nursing together with the Aruba hospital. Due to life circumstances, I am not practicing this but without knowing that God and life were preparing me to be a nurse for my own child. Studying nursing gave me the necessary tools to understand the complete process of my child's diagnosis.

I am a mother of 4 beautiful children, one of whom, Aïsha Melissa Grace, was born with a heart defect. This has made me both a mother and a personal nurse for my own child since the day she was born until now, as she turns 5. I have many roles to play. I am a disciplined, motivated, and determined woman. An entrepreneur and authentic person. My life took a 360° turn almost 5 years ago when I had to learn to be strong without any options. My child's case taught me how, as a human being, mother, and woman, we have a great strength that we sometimes don't realize until something unexpected comes up on your path. So far, Aïsha Melissa Grace has already had 3 heart surgeries.
I surround myself with positive thoughts. I like to follow other women on social media and their journeys. I admire idealistic, perseverant, and optimistic women. I put a lot of emphasis on those around me to always keep fighting and to always be humble. To never give up, no matter the situation that presents itself. I repeat my story over and over to realize how you can have everything today, and in a blink of an eye, you have to fully adapt your life to a situation that you never expected. But here I am, developing myself as a future entrepreneur who is fighting tirelessly to create our family product, not just a product but our soul, in an artisanal product with authentic recipes. Those who know me know how tirelessly I am fighting for that. This product has given me, after God, a hope of being close to fulfilling my dream and feeling fully as a woman who inspires.
Remember that everything in life happens for a reason, and when things don't go well, think that it's not the right time, but never take your eyes off your goal.
I am a fighter and what helps you a lot to find your personal purpose is to never listen to the words "you won't make it" or "you can't". I am a woman who has always learned to give compliments to others, that makes someone's day. More women should give compliments to each other, I still feel that is limited.
I am not practicing my profession for a company but I am practicing one of my professions which is nursing for the care of my own child. Even though I know that in other countries like the United States, there are job opportunities that can hire you as a nurse where you get paid to care for your own child if they need a nurse. This would be something that would be good to present here in Aruba. I am starting my own Kitchen with my artisanal churro recipes, which is an idea that arose and with trials and errors. As a mother and working on a new entrepreneurship, it can be heavy at times and I am sure many of you can combine this and know how frustrating it can be at times. But all hard work has its fruit and that will be your reward in the end. Always setting a time limit and taking time off is valid, it helps to not overload yourself.

Remember that everything in life happens for a reason and when something goes wrong, think that it's not the right time yet but never take your eyes off your goal. Focus on finding solutions. Think clearly and remember that there is always a solution. It's always a good idea to seek advice from someone who inspires you or someone you admire for wise counsel.
As they say, we can all have a piece of the cake.
We are stronger together than against each other.

My first achievement in life began when I received my diplomas and my different recognitions. One that I will carry forever in my heart was when I became the first president of my student council in the Health sector when I was studying nursing. That led me to explore my leadership skills and I exceeded my own expectationss.
There still needs to be more courage to give other women compliments. And prejudice is still playing a role to demotivate women. We need more mental flexibility where we can encourage women instead of breaking them down.
Jennifer van der Biezen is definitely someone who inspires many people. Coincidentally, she is a former classmate and I know how her spontaneous and positive personality has always been part of her. I haven't yet participated in her amazing courses, but I follow her page and she always has the right words at the right moments. Admirable in every sense. And so, I could mention many admirable and motivational women in our community that are becoming more and more prevalent every year.
Never give up and always keep pushing. Always manifest your goals and work hard for what you want and you will surely succeed.

More and more women play an important role in our community. There are more female leaders in our community. In recent years, many entrepreneurial women have motivated many other women to come forward or to work together, for the benefit of others.