A multifaceted woman who embodies the spirit of living life to the fullest, following her conviction to pursue everything her heart desires, while remaining humble and kind.


Gassant Photography

Gassant Photography

Written by: Jacqueline Wernet

They are a knowledgeable and well-informed person, someone for everyone. They are humble, listen and respect people of all ages, without discrimination.

Ilove life and people, and I enjoy the rush of adrenaline that makes me feel good and satisfied with myself. Call me 'hyper'. I consider myself a woman with a strong but flexible character, sensitive and cheerful. I like to talk, share, listen, and I am a good friend. I am always there for my family and friends and will go the extra mile for them. Extroverted, generous, critical, and frank ... 'down to earth, what you see is what you get'. I am loyal, and I value peace, nature, adventure, harmony, and justice in humanity. I am a volunteer at heart, always ready to help.


My inspiration has always been my parents, each in their own way. Both hardworking, determined, with perseverance and the goal of being the best they can be, as well as my children. Since I was a child, I was curious about how verbal communication was embedded in others and how people could think and speak, so I studied Speech Therapy. From being a speech therapist on television to becoming a communicator, another challenge was to enter the field of medicine/marketing and sales as a medical representative, studying and working again. Without leaving the world of television behind, the challenge was to stay grounded on earth and not get carried away by the popularity that is a temporary aspect of TV work. Later, as a communicator at SVb and now another challenge as a member of the board of Music and SMAC. Dealing with a lot of criticism, but as a friend once asked me: Cher, is it worth it? My answer was ... yes, because someone has to do it, and because I believe that we and I can do it. Pleasing everyone is never possible, but it is possible to make your maximum effort to do everything for the benefit of our community and our people. Don't forget that I am a carnivalist at heart.


I am a positive person who always believes that achieving something is possible with effort, dedication, and focus. It is important to live happily.

Work on the emotional aspect first. Ensure that you are emotionally strong enough to face the decisions you need to make. Plan your life and visualize where and how you will go. Seek help if needed; it may take time, but it will make you stronger in the end. Remember, we are human, and our mental state must be balanced and strong as a foundation to face life.

Being able to transform from a speech therapist to a communicator, being a good mother, being able to forgive and let go, and not holding onto situations that I cannot change, this gives me peace of mind.

Balance is not easy because I tend to be too busy and forget about myself. But the good thing is that a person must listen to their body and those around them, see what they need to accomplish on their to-do list. Know your limits and how much you can demand from yourself and your family, take time for yourself. It is okay to say no when work becomes too much. Take breaks to exercise, do something you enjoy, dedicate time to relax and feel that you deserve it, and take care of yourself.


Hahaha, that's a good one! I believe that I always try to be the best in everything, I am sincere and kind-hearted. I am very direct and always willing to help and give advice.


Women who inspire become role models for young girls and help them believe in themselves and guide them to achieve their dreams. They influence their families, friendships, give advice, encourage and guide organizations and groups to work together to achieve beautiful things for their communities.

Some things are better kept private or shared only with those who will appreciate and benefit from them"


The lack of belief in women (and men; this applies to everyone) in our society. I believe that we can achieve so much more if we, as a community, provide more constructive criticism. If we ask before speaking, listen before judging, search for the truth before assuming, and are less sensationalist. If we are more honest and give everyone an opportunity to shine. If we are more united, women with leadership qualities will be more willing to step up, but we need to overcome our negativity as a community, so that no one is intimidated, annoyed, or offended.


Accept that there will always be women with more or less ability, charisma, vision, education, passion, etc., but each one of us is unique and special in our own way, and we are here to complement each other. Don't focus on what you lack or have more of, but focus on what you can achieve together.


I like people. In my family, I have role models, as well as in my friendships. I don't want to mention a specific person. I always choose the positive aspects of a person as an injection of positivity, intelligence, wisdom, passion, and kindness, which inspires me. In Aruba, there are many women who inspire others, but we are often not aware of them or give them the credit they deserve.

Never give up, if you need to start over, just do it. Be open to learning, choose professionals who can guide you, and listen to those who have achieved what you want to do. Nothing is impossible if you work hard to achieve it for yourself and others. Believe in yourself, and if something doesn't feel right, don't do it even if it means taking a risk. Think before you act or speak.


We are on the right track, but we have not yet reached our destination. I believe that this is because women in our society still promote machismo and are too dependent on men. We need to complement each other. I don't believe that just because men are physically stronger, they automatically have more rights. Each gender has its individual aspects, but it is important for us to be aware that it is unacceptable for two people, a man and a woman, to do the same job but receive different salaries or for a female to be unable to hold a certain managerial position.


As a speech therapist, I met a family with three children, all of whom had hearing problems. I was their therapist and helped them with therapy and hearing aids, and the mother still thanks me every time she sees me. Also, with great satisfaction, I can say that I am one of the founders of the Quota International Service Club, which works on raising awareness about hearing loss since 1987. These moments are unforgettable, but I cannot expand on them due to my professional confidentiality.


I would have to share what I have learned: always do good, don't envy others, be honest, never discriminate based on race or religion, help others, don't break them down. Our children need to be raised with the good example of watching and doing the same. They are our future; we need to show them that in the world, we have a mission to accomplish together. That mission is to live by supporting and correcting each other. If something is not good, dare to say that it is not good and show how it can be improved. Teach our daughters that education is important to be independent, teach them their rights and duties. Respect others to earn respect and do not forget to love your neighbor. Stay humble, keep learning, share your thoughts, and be empathetic. Life is not easy, but always be proud of your work and who you are.