Written by: Jacqueline Wernet
They need to believe in themselves, but they also need to feel and recognize that there is a need that they can help with. If they want they can. When we think we can't, we've already stopped ourselves. Think I can't, I don't have time, etc., never can't. Make time and want to help. And don't worry about getting thanked, because that might take a while or maybe never happen.

I am a simple person, a wife, a mother of two children, who still strongly believes in giving back to our community. I believe in doing everything to the best of my ability and always doing everything with passion. Whether it's work, life, sports, hobbies, do everything with dedication and passion. And remember that we can always help each other, not just live for yourself and your family, but open your doors to protect and help others in need, outside of your own family. Always possible, because there is someone who needs your attention, help or push. And never do anything for show, do it from the heart.
Guiding is my way of giving back to our country/community. I joined guiding when I was 6 years old because I was a very insecure and shy child and not very social at the time, there was no question of going to a psychologist or so, it was that easy, guiding was the activity that parents used for their children to learn more discipline, learn from nature, make more friends and believe in themselves more. And that happened to me, and I never left guiding. There is always a challenge when working with people, not always in agreement with each other, but you have to reach a consensus. Also do volunteer work every week, when the children are small it is also difficult but if your partner supports you in this, it will be very easy. And working at CMB, which is a company that applauds and encourages its employees to do volunteer work and help in the community, has helped me even more.
I don't think we focus on inspiring others as such, but for me, I think it's the dedication and energy I put into everything I do, that will inspire others. In guiding, the attention to each of our children, also according to me, inspires the children. And when they grow up they recognize this, because the small hours are more the confidence they get in us as their leaders, is important for them. Again, do everything with passion and the result will be positive. Work hard always. Don't do things halfway or however. Either do it well, or don't do it.
Our women are the balance in our community.
Believe in our children, focus on them, motivate them, and dedicate everything you can to them. Listen to them, play with them, applaud them, advise them, and if you need to draw their attention, do it too. Fatigue comes later, but the satisfaction is greater than the fatigue. And the desire to always want to help, wherever it is and even more to lend a hand in need, may inspire others.
Each person has their own place in my life, I attend to my family first, make sure everything is in order with them and then focus on work. Our work is also important for our family. Teach your children that always, so they will also result in dedicated and serious people. And memories always think that if we want, we can.

You are never alone, there is always someone who can listen and help you. Pray and work to make your faith stronger. Be happy with each improvement in your situation and use that as the strength to take the next step. All bad times are temporary, but you must also be able to help yourself. Don't sit with your arms crossed.
Women are the balance in our community. Together with men, we form our world, each contributing in our own way. But together we can make the biggest difference.
We must support each other, not judge each other, show empathy, respect each other's opinions, and think that like a man, we can all do just as well as them.
Starting with my two children, they have become responsible adults, with their hearts in the right place, they are focused and always take the other person into consideration, especially one in need. Also, for many years, I have been working, along with a fantastic group of other female leaders, two large groups of girl scouts every Saturday, in the morning in Savaneta, my childhood neighborhood, and in the afternoon in Noord, where I live. Every Saturday is almost a total of 80 young women from 4-18 years old that we attend to. We teach them about the world of scouting, which is so big and fantastic, and without them knowing, we are helping them in formation. All our members are young women, and all our leaders are also female. So we really believe in and show the female strength.
The free time, which is limited, women often take on more family responsibilities than men. And for single mothers, it is even harder. But I believe we can do it. We can inspire in different ways, by being a good mother, a good daughter, a good friend, a good person, not necessarily just through volunteer work either.
I don't really have a specific person who inspires me, it's more of a situation that inspires me. Many times it is cases of people who help others without asking for anything in return that inspires me. Like those nominated in CNN HEROES of the YEAR. After seeing this, you just feel like helping others in need. Also, people who have it tough and still persist and are happy with what they have, even if it may be less than others, inspire me.
Always believe in yourself and your potential, stay focused, don't become egocentric. Recognize your weaker areas and work on them. Be proactive. Be humble and strong at the same time. Present yourself. Dare to take a risk. Know that as a woman, they can achieve their goals, just like anyone else, by working hard and staying positive. And never push someone down so that you can go ahead. Keep the "I CAN" attitude always. If they fall 7 times, just get up 8. And never be afraid to ask for help.

When my former girl scouts who are now grown-ups, with their own families, careers, and tell me that scouting helped shape them and that they learned so much from us when they were young, and that they will never forget that, such as the arm that we gave them just when they needed it, or the interest we showed in them by listening to them, or how much fun they had in scouting, these are things that make me feel extremely happy. And you feel that our free time dedicated to the cause is not in vain. There were many cases in which we helped our group children in need in different ways, and it is always a satisfaction. Helping with a bed, paying for gas, water, and electricity, helping them to be neat and uniform like everyone else, finding a refrigerator for a family, helping them find a job, preparing them for a job interview, helping with food, helping with school. And all of this we do together with our leaders, and also together with a group of my friends, who are always ready to help those in need. Together, we are our strongest force and we can achieve more. I alone cannot. But the willingness must be there.
We must teach them and show them that we can all make a difference in our own lives and around us. That everything is possible if you want. Of course, we must teach them to be as non-egocentric as possible and not materialistic; always work to move forward, but always be able to help others too. Study as much as you can and strive to be the best person you can be. Enjoy every moment of their life as well, because it goes by quickly.

The woman who stays home, takes care of the children and the house, who has to rely on her partner's income, and the woman with her own career and her own income- therefore independent in every sense of the word.