“I partially believe it's because I am a person with ambition to continue growing and also because I felt the need to create my vision in my private practice. After almost 9 years of working in different types of companies, I realized that my vision was different and that it was time to make my vision a reality.
I also wanted to feel closer to the community to stimulate earlier access to psychological help. Also, to work more on prevention by discussing mental health topics and also by doing workshops or talks on current topics in my area of expertise.”

“I chose Qredits for several reasons. Primarily, I believe, because Qredits works for someone like me who dreams of opening their practice, as they support small businesses by offering lower percentages and also by offering free guidance and education to their clients. I feel supported by Qredits. They are not just an institution that gave me a loan, but I feel that they are by my side to succeed with my practice.

“Mental health is crucial because it can also impact our physical health and thus our overall health. Just like only if you have a chronic physical illness that you deal with in your daily life. We always confront our mental health every day, even when there is no mental challenge. We all can have thoughts that hinder us in our daily life without having to say that it has to do with, for example, anxiety or depression. When we do not take care of our mental health because we do not regularly do the hygiene routine for our mind, it can become a mental condition that impacts your body and functioning. For this reason, the care of our mind must be embedded in our daily routine just like we brush our teeth every day.”

“In the beginning, the challenges were to try to figure out everything, for example, how to do my administration, which system I want to use, the tax payment system, the part of creating a website and posting on social media. There are many different tasks that you have to think about and how you want to do them. The great thing about this is that I didn't need permission from anyone else to do it my way. Yes, I talked to people with more experience to learn what options there are and so choose what works best for me.”

“My aspiration is to continue doing what I am passionate about to help our community elevate the mental health of our children, adolescents, and also their parents. To continue sharing my knowledge with teachers who face the challenge of dealing with the mental health of our children at school. I would like to do more in prevention by reaching more people alike. I believe
that the more we know, the more we understand how our minds and emotions work, the better we can do for ourselves and our future generations.”

“Follow your vision and take the steps to make it a reality. I believe we all have a purpose in this world that also gives us satisfaction, and we have something unique to contribute with it. There may be different people doing the same job as you, but no one will do it in the same way you do. Qredits helps in this process by guiding you to make your vision a reality.”